That this person was called John, therefore, and that this was the writing of a John, I do not deny. And I admit further, that it was also the work of some holy and inspired man. But I could not so easily admit that this was the apostle, the son of Zebedee, the brother of James, and the same person with him who wrote the Gospel which bears the title […]
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Origen: An Ideal Scholar
Origen was a Christian philosopher, Biblical scholar and theologian of the third century, His full name in Latin, Oregenes Adamantius, can perhaps be translated as Origen the Immovable. Apart from his erudition, imagination, intellect and piety, I would use one word to describe my impression of Origen: gravitas. He is the type of scholar who demands respect, even from his most formidable opponents, without at the same time making them […]
Read moreOrigen on the Differences Between Jewish and Christian Scriptures
Why should I enumerate all the instances I collected with so much labour, to prove that the difference between our copies and those of the Jews did not escape me? In Jeremiah I noticed many instances, and indeed in that book I found much transposition and variation in the readings of the prophecies. Again, in Genesis, the words, “God saw that it was good,” when the firmament was made, are […]
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