“A Place of My Own” by Michael Pollan

A librarian lady recommended this book to me, saying “He is a good writer. If you like Christopher Alexander’s books, you’ll like this”. She was right. This book is a delightful read, packed with humor and thoughtfulness. Pollan tells the story of how he built a writing hut from the ground up with the help of an architect and a carpenter, weaving into the account the history of architecture, the […]

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“The Production of Houses” by Christopher Alexander

This book is about building houses, but it is more about life. There is joy, there is disappointment and sadness, but above all, there is hope. The Joy of Building For someone like me, who absolutely abhors construction sites and all the raw materials, Alexander brings them to life in a way that only he can. His “physical love for the buildings and the building materials, … the way a […]

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