The pagan philosopher Plutarch writes that, regarding beliefs in God, we should avoid two extremes: atheism and superstition. The former abandons all ideas of God, whereas the latter holds false ideas of a malevolent deity. In Book 3 Chapter 2 of the Institutes, Calvin provides a definition of the Christian faith, which is opposed to both atheism and superstition: Faith is a firm and sure knowledge of the divine favor […]
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Moralia: VI. Alexander and the Republic of Zeno
Plato wrote a book on the One Ideal Constitution, but because of its forbidding character he could not persuade anyone to adopt it; but Alexander established more than seventy cities among savage tribes, and sowed all Asia with Grecian magistracies, and thus overcame its uncivilized and brutish manner of living. Although few of us read Plato’s Laws, yet hundreds of thousands have made use of Alexander’s laws, and continue to […]
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“The True History” by Lucian
The motives of my voyage were a certain intellectual restlessness, a passion for novelty, a curiosity about the limits of the ocean and the peoples who might dwell beyond it. The Island of the Blest As we drew near it, a marvellous air was wafted to us, exquisitely fragrant. Its sweetness seemed compounded of rose, narcissus, hyacinth, lilies and violets, myrtle and bay and flowering vine. There were meadows and […]
Read moreMoralia: The True Meaning of “Eye for Eye”
Plato writes in “Phaedrus” that if Wisdom has a visible image, men would be transported by her beauty and loveliness, and be roused to pursue wisdom above all else. But alas, we have no eye for wisdom; Plutarch relates a story of the legendary lawgiver Lycurgus that suggests the true meaning of the law, “eye for eye”. The well-to-do citizens resented Lycurgus’ radical reform, denounced him and pelted him, wishing […]
Read more“Constitution of the Lacedaemonians” by Xenophon
Education of the Spartan Youths Their voice you would no more hear, than if they were of marble, their gaze is as immovable as if they were cast in bronze. You would deem them more modest than the very maidens in their eyes. In other states equals in age associate together, and such an atmosphere is little conducive to modesty. Whereas in Sparta Lycurgus was careful so to blend the […]
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“Hiero” by Xenophon
Confessions of a Despot I assure you that despots are worse off than private citizens in the matter of pleasure and delights. Marriage It is commonly held that a marriage into a family of greater wealth and influence is most honourable, and is a source of pride and pleasure to the bridegroom. Next to that comes a marriage with equals. A marriage with inferiors is considered positively degrading and useless. […]
Read more“On the Art of Horsemanship” by Xenophon
A horse adapted to parade and state processions, a high stepper and a showy animal, must have high spirit and a stalwart body. Not a horse with flexible legs, but one with short, supple and strong loins. If when he is planting his hind-legs under him you pull him up with the bit, he bends the hind-legs on the hocks and raises the fore-part of his body, so that anyone […]
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