A story of Tolstoy was related by Prof. Irwin Weil [1]: A young Jewish man wrote to Tolstoy a few months before the latter died, and asked how a Jew could believe his teachings which were based on the words of Jesus Christ. Tolstoy replied, “The words of Christ are not important and applicable because they were said by Christ, on the contrary, they were said by Christ because they […]
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On Abuse of Authority in Interpretation
Ideally, a translation should give the readers of the Bible in their own language the same interpretive options that a reader of the original will have. I’ve been struggling with a troubling phenomenon in public discourse in the past two years, namely, the abuse of authority in interpretation. The above quote from a recent blog post by Dr. Daniel B. Wallace on Bible translation caught my attention, because it speaks directly […]
Read moreWhat is Creative Open-Mindedness?
An online acquaintance recently sent me a private message recommending a Catholic apologetics book — my post on sola scriptura was an upshot of a debate with her and a few others. I thanked her for the recommendation, but politely declined, saying that I had a very long to-read list and wouldn’t have time for it. Her reply suggested that I was not “open-minded enough”. I was a little taken aback, […]
Read moreIncarnation: II. Seeking Evidence of God
I asked, “Let us suppose, sir, that after you have left this sorry vale, you actually found yourself in heaven, standing before the Throne. There, in all his glory, sat the Lord—not Lord Russell, sir: God.” Russell winced. “What would you think?” “I would think I was dreaming.” “But suppose you realized you were not? Suppose that there, before your very eyes, beyond a shadow of a doubt, was God. […]
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“Crime and Punishment” By Fyodor Dostoevsky
Perhaps because I read Crime and Punishment after Brothers Karamazov, viz. in the reverse order in which Dostoevsky wrote them, I find the former psychologically more coherent, more relatable, than the latter, but philosophically less thought-provoking. It is almost as if Dostoevsky is working things out through his writings. When one reads them in the reverse order, like reading the end of a mystery novel first, the element of wonder is […]
Read moreIn Defense of Sola Scriptura
Background and Disclaimer Almost three years ago, I wrote a series of posts on John Calvin’s “Institutes of Christian Religion“, one of which critiqued the principle of sola scriptura. A recent debate with a few Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians helped me appreciate Calvin’s position better than before. In the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, it is fitting to write in defense of sola scriptura, the formal principle […]
Read moreSonnets: II. Love Inspires
Love Inspires How can my Muse want subject to invent While thou dost breathe, that pour’st into my verse Thine own sweet argument, too excellent For every vulgar paper to rehearse? O, give thyself the thanks if aught in me Worthy perusal stand against thy sight, For who’s so dumb that cannot write to thee, When thou thyself dost give invention light? Be thou the tenth Muse, ten times more […]
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