[Original Chinese Title: 三十六計 | 三十六计] Machiavelli’s “The Prince” pales in comparison with this Chinese classic on cunning and duplicitous maneuverings in war and politics. “Thirty-Six Stratagems” was grounded in ancient Chinese philosophy and tested through many thousand years of political intrigue and warfare in Chinese history, and therefore has more depth and breadth, in my opinion, than Machiavelli’s work, which was based mostly on his own interpretations of cause […]
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“The Art of War” by Sun Wu
[Original Chinese Title: 孫子兵法 | 孙子兵法] An absolutely brilliant treatise on military philosophy, strategy and tactics! I find the principles herein applicable to all areas of life, as many things are often likened to war, e.g., war against disease, business as war, etc. This book is a must-read for leaders of all levels, from heads of states to project managers, to achieve personal and organizational excellence in a competitive environment. […]
Read more“The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli
A fascinating, thought-provoking and disturbing read. Machiavelli based his arguments on the premise (or rather observation) that men are inherently evil unless compelled by necessity to do good. If a man follows moral principles, he would be at a disadvantage to the majority who don’t. Therefore, for a man to obtain power, it is necessary for him to resort to deceit, false promises, hypocrisy, cruelty and other immoral devices. (“Men […]
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