During the last years of his life, Tolstoy told the story of a freedom fighter, whose vitality and tenacity he admired, though he denounced violence. He perhaps sensed in himself the strength and growth of an inner life despite the deterioration of his health. Quote: I gathered myself a large nosegay and was going home when I noticed in a ditch, in full bloom, a beautiful thistle plant of the […]
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“Resurrection” by Leo Tolstoy
The last major novel by Tolstoy. According to Wikipedia, Vladimir Nabakov heaped superlatives upon “Anna Karenina”, but questioned the reputation of “War and Peace”, and sharply criticized “Resurrection” and “The Kreutzer Sonata”. My opinion is the exact opposite. To me, this is a more mature and riveting work than “Anna Karenina”, because it contains deeper spiritual and social insights, the upshot of the author’s personal struggles and growth in the […]
Read more“The War of the Worlds” by H. G. Wells
A speculative, apocalyptic tale in which Martians landed on earth and almost wiped out the entire local population. According to the nebular hypothesis, Mars was more advanced in the life cycle of the planet than Earth, and therefore the Martians were evolutionarily more advanced than humans, having a superior intelligence and no sex or digestive organs. When their planet was no longer habitable, and they were facing extinction, they invaded the […]
Read more“Complete Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde” by Oscar Wilde
A compilation of nine fairy tales from “The Happy Prince and Other Tales” The Happy Prince The Nightingale and the Rose The Selfish Giant The Devoted Friend The Remarkable Rocket and “A House of Pomegranates” The Young King The Birthday of the Infanta The Fisherman and His Soul The Star-Child I remember reading “The Happy Prince”and “The Selfish Giant” when I was a child. Sad but beautiful stories about miseries […]
Read more“The Great Divorce” by C. S. Lewis
Lewis takes the readers on a fantasy bus ride from hell to heaven, and describes what he believes to be the fundamental difference between good and evil, and the difference in traits between people in heaven and hell. I like the way Lewis uses imageries to illustrate theological concepts, and the dialogues of his characters are also very entertaining and revealing. During the bus ride, one encounters all sorts of […]
Read more“The Kreutzer Sonata” by Leo Tolstoy
One of the most controversial and censored works by Tolstoy. By the mouth of a man who killed his wife out of jealousy, Tolstoy launched a scathing attack on society’s views and practices with regard to relationships, sex, marriage and child-raising. He evenĀ included many materials from his own life and marriage – Like the man in the story, Tolstoy also showed his wife his “memoir” and suffered intensely from […]
Read more“Twenty-Three Tales” by Leo Tolstoy
Also Read: “What Men Live By and Other Tales” by Leo Tolstoy A collection of twenty-three parables which teach the principles of life and virtues such as temperance, courage, perseverance, simplicity, forgiveness and love. Whatever Tolstoy writes, whether it be love stories, war epics or moral tales, it always leaves a deep impression on the reader. The tales are edifying and entertaining without being overly didactic or sentimental. There is […]
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