Exploring LDAB: VI. Earliest Old Testament Manuscripts

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4Q Deut
4Q Deut @ Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library

The following table lists the earliest dated manuscripts of all 39 books of the Old Testament, sorted in ascending order by the date assigned according to LDAB[1]. To be consistent with the Hebrew Bible, which consists of 24 books, the twelve minor prophets, including Amos, Habakkuk, Haggai, Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Malachi,Micah, Nahum, Obadiah, Zechariah and Zephaniah, are listed as one book. 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah are listed as Kings, Samuel, Chronicles and Ezra, respectively.

All the earliest Old Testament manuscripts, with the exception of Esther, are found near Qumran in the Judaean desert, among other manuscripts. These are commonly known as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Great Isaiah Scroll, 1QIsaa, is a 2nd century BC scroll containing all 66 chapters of Isaiah; 4Q41 (4QDeutn) is a first century BC manuscript of Deuteronomy, which contains one of the earliest copies of the Ten Commandments; LDAB 3457 is a 1st century BC scroll containing all twelve minor prophets.

Under “LDAB” are LDAB identifiers and links to detailed metadata info on the Old Testament manuscripts; Under “Image” are links to digital images of the manuscripts at the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library[2], unless specified otherwise.

Book Date Century LDAB Catalogue Image
Exodus BC 275 – 225 BC03 398248 4Q17 4Q17-1
Deuteronomy BC 250 – 200 BC03 398195 4Q46 4Q46-1
BC 30 – 1 BC01 398295 4Q41 4Q41-1
Samuel BC 250 – 200 BC03 398381 4Q52 4Q52-1
BC 99 – 75 BC01 398382 4Q53 4Q53-1
Genesis BC 250 – 150 BC03 397980 6Q1 6Q1-1
Jeremiah BC 225 – 175 BC03 398322 4Q70 4Q70-1
Job BC 225 – 150 BC03 398196 4Q101 4Q101-1
Ecclesiastes BC 175 – 150 BC02 398370 4Q109 4Q109-1
Psalm BC 175 – 125 BC02 398337 4Q83 4Q83-1
Twelve Minor Prophets BC 175 – 125 BC02 398330 4Q76 4Q76-1
BC 50 – AD 50 BC01 3457 8HevXIIgr 8Hev1-1
Isaiah BC 150 – 125 BC02 641984 1QIsaa 1QIsaa @ Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
Kings BC 150 – 100 BC02 397983 6Q4 6Q4-1
Numbers BC 150 – 100 BC02 398253 4Q23 4Q23-1
Joshua BC 150 – 50 BC02 398299 4Q47 4Q47-1
Song of Solomon BC 150 – AD 69 BC02 398369 4Q108 4Q108-1
Daniel BC 125 – 75 BC02 398377 4Q116 4Q116-1
Ezekiel BC 99 – 50 BC01 398329 4Q75 4Q75-1
Ruth BC 75 – 25 BC01 397958 2Q17 2Q17-1
Ezra BC 75 – 25 BC01 398378 4Q117 4Q117-1
Judges BC 50 – 25 BC01 397627 1Q6 1Q6-1
Chronicles BC 50 – 25 BC01 398379 4Q118 4Q118-1
Proverbs BC 50 – AD 30 BC01 398363 4Q102 4Q102-1
Lamentations BC 30 – 1 BC01 398372 4Q111 4Q111-1
Esther AD 50 – 150 AD01 3080 Rahlfs 0996
P.Oxy. 4443
P.Oxy.4443 @ Oxyrhynchus Online


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