Exploring LDAB: III. Most Popular Classical Authors

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The classical authors listed above have the most surviving manuscripts, and they have also been cited by other ancient authors. I combined both these factors when ranking their popularity in the ancient world. The list includes epic poets (Homer, Hesiod, Vergil), orators (Demosthenes, Isocrates), philosophers (Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Chrysippus), writers of tragedy and comedy, lyric poets, historians (Herodotus, Xenophon) and physicians (Hippocrates, Galenus). Not surprisingly, Homer is on top of the list. It’s not even close: Homer has over two thousand manuscripts, Demosthenes and Euripides, who come next, have about two hundred each.

The following classical authors have at least ten surviving manuscripts, but they were never quoted by other ancient authors, according to LDAB. The LDAB records are admittedly incomplete, nevertheless the pattern is interesting and worth noting. It’s curious that historians Herodotus and Xenophon were popular, whereas Thucydides, Plutarch and Livy weren’t. What is most surprising to me is that the Roman orator Cicero, who I thought was eminently quotable, was never cited by other ancient authors, but the Greek orators Demosthenes and Isocrates were.

  1. Philodemus
  2. Thucydides
  3. Apollonius Rhodius
  4. Aeschines orator
  5. Cicero
  6. Theocritus
  7. Demetrius Lacon
  8. Dioscorus of Aphrodito
  9. Plutarchus
  10. Lysias
  11. Hyperides
  12. Dioscurides Pedanius
  13. Aratus
  14. Livius
  15. Anubion

Prolific Christian Authors

I ranked the prolificacy of Christian authors based on the number of their surviving manuscripts, but I couldn’t find any citation information for these authors in LDAB.

Augustine was one of the, if not the, most influential figure in Christianity, and he was also one of the most prolific writers. There are other familiar names on the list, such as Origen, Jerome (Hieronymus), Gregory the Great, John Chrysostomus, the Cappadocian Fathers, Ambrose and Athanasius. However, the majority of the classical Christians authors I’ve never heard of, let alone read.

Christian Authors

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