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Plotinus’ idea of “unity-in-diversity” is perhaps best reflected in music in the art of the Fugue, which invariably brings me to J.S.Bach and Glenn Gould, my favorite interpreter of Bach on the piano.
There is philosophy in music, and prayer too, if I may say so.
I recently came across a WP post on Glenn Gould, with a link to a very interesting film titled “Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould”. I liked it so much that I downloaded the film from Youku, created a YouTube channel and posted these videos so that they can be viewed by a wider audience. Ironically, the film consists of 13 parts, a number that Glenn Gould dreaded near the time of his death, only days after he survived 49 (4+9=13). This apprehension of his, along with his views on the afterlife, is portrayed in Part 12, in the short film titled “Forty Nine”.
I love Glenn Gould! My mother owns ’32 Short Films’; it won the Genies (like the Oscars but for Canadian cinema only) for Best Cinematography, Best Direction, Best Film Editing, and Best Motion Picture. I was too young to appreciate the film back in 1993, so maybe I should go view it! I am now listening to the only Glenn Gould CD I own.
What do you love about Glenn Gould?
Thank you for this lovely post, I think GG brings out the best of Bach’s keyboard music, I love to view those 32 short films about him, from time to time, but the YouTube version I got limits to 10 parts uploads, so I haven’t thought of the number 13. The Film #8 and #9 are my favourites (The Practice and The LA Concert), all that happened in 1964 …. Thanks again.
“You have exceptional taste.” –Glenn Gould
“Also, I am very lucky …..” – Glenn Gould