“Losing My Virginity” by Richard Branson

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The subtitle of the original version reads, “How I’ve Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way”. Branson certainly delivered the goods. I can’t imagine anybody else having more fun doing business than he has. He described his strategies and adventures in such a straightforward and engaging manner, that I’m convinced this is how all business should be done.

Life is a series of challenges for Branson, and he has thrived on challenges since childhood. From winning a ten-shilling bet by learning to swim, to running a student magazine, to building a successful business empire, to flying around the world in balloons and exploring space travel, to helping solve social and environmental problems, he gave a comprehensive account of his extraordinary life. It’s candid, direct, humorous, fascinating and inspiring. One of the best autobiographies I’ve ever read.

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